All Youth Intensive students are required to submit a video audition in order to be accepted into the program

Video Audition Guidelines

  • Record and upload your audition video to a video-sharing platform such as YouTube or Vimeo and ensure the video’s visibility settings are set to public.
  • Videos should be a maximum of 10 minutes in length.

Submission Deadline:
All audition videos must be submitted no later than May 31, 2025.

  • Early submissions are highly encouraged, as the deadline may change once the program reaches capacity.
  • Acceptance results will be communicated within four weeks of submission.

Audition Attire:

  • Leotard or fitted shirt, solid color tights, and flat ballet shoes. Students may wear whatever they are comfortable in regardless of gender identity.

Audition Video Requirements:
The video must include:

Barre (one side only)

  • Tendu
  • Dégagé
  • Rond de jambe

Center Floor Work

  • Adagio
  • Pirouette combination
  • Petit allegro
  • Grand allegro

View example combinations HERE. These combinations are suggested but not required. Suggested music by Nate Fifield available on Apple Music and Spotify, exact songs are in the video descriptions.

Freestyle piece of your choice

  • Combination, variation, or improvisation in genre of your choice. Maximum of 2 minutes in length.

How to Submit Your Video Audition: